We are always available for healthcare providers. We can meet your staff shortages 24/7

We are always available for healthcare providers. We can meet your staff shortages 24/7

Blog & News

Read our latest blog and news to stay up-to-date with LD Network’s upcoming events and person-centred practices.

Transitions from the hospital to the community require carefully planned, holistic, and integrated support, placing the person at the heart of the process. Every person...

Community psychiatric nurses (CPNs) support people in gaining control over their lives, choices, and futures. CPNs work towards ensuring that people receive the right care...

Community transition services (CTS) are part of the Bridging Support Model, dedicated to reducing readmissions and delayed hospital discharges. We believe that with proper support,...

Mental health support workers encounter various challenges while fulfilling their duties, such as the emotional toll of support, which can result in burnout and compassion...

The role of a mental health nurse involves supporting people’s recovery, supporting them live independently and reach their full potential. Mental health nurses build trusting...

Compassion fatigue can affect everyone, social workers, health professionals, or family members caring for a loved one. While working in health and social care provides...

Working in healthcare requires a commitment to providing the best possible care and support. This involves ensuring people’s safety while taking care of their physical...

As the healthcare sector's demands constantly evolve, recruiting suitable healthcare professionals has become challenging. Healthcare providers need help locating skilled and seasoned staff to maintain...
There are many proactive services that help people with complex care needs, including individuals with learning disabilities, autism, mental health challenges or epilepsy. A complex...
LD Network provides urgent and ad hoc staffing solutions and transition support services specialised in learning disabilities, autism and mental health challenges. We work with...