Individuals with learning disabilities need to take a holiday. It is their right. It offers them good exposure to physical wellness and psychological wholeness. Often, they need to stay off their regular routines and change their environment. Several places offer a large variety of entertainment and exercise. These places are designed to accommodate people with various needs. As a group tutor, you can organise such trips. Since you know the conditions of your group members, it will be easy for you to choose the best destination for a holiday. You can also arrange the activities that will go on during the holiday period. Holidays like these give your group members different levels of experience.
Benefits Of Supported Holidays For People With Learning Disabilities
Taking breaks from everyday life through trips can be a healthy push towards better living. Here are some advantages of supported holiday learning disabilities.
It Helps Them To Interact With The World Freely
Group trips can make people with learning disabilities feel more confident and comfortable because they have people who understand and care for them. As a result, they can freely interact with other people with and without learning difficulties. They can also learn about their lifestyles and communicate with their new environments. They would interact without fear of discrimination.
It Boosts Their Self-Confidence
When they engage in new activities and find out that they can perform equally or better than their daily regulars, they believe more in themselves, raising their self-esteem.
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Unity and Security
Holidays in new places are vital because it helps people with learning disabilities feel safe around others. This safety comes when travelling with family members, friends, or caregivers. As a caregiver or educator, travelling with your people helps them feel secure because they know you will look after them. They will also display unity among themselves.
Enhancement of Social Skills
Holidays allow for interactions, and continuous interactions open them to enhancing their social skills. After some time, they will understand the techniques to bond with people and create and maintain solid friendships.
Tourism Enhancement
Over the years, there has been little or no tourism provision for people with learning disabilities. Cities and communities are improving their tourism structures and vacation centres to accommodate people with learning disabilities. As a result of the improvements, people with learning disabilities can visit places with different cultural backgrounds and activities without difficulty. They can access and have a feel of ideologies that are being interpreted as physical structures, policies, and practices.
Psychological and Mental Wellness
Holidays are significant for older people with learning disabilities. Their motor and cognitive skills may be affected if they have limited functionalities and mobilities. Therefore, new environments can enlighten, stimulate, and keep them mentally focused. They can engage in walk sessions, workout sessions, make new friends, engage in new things, read novels, taste fresh foods, etc. Holidays can help with their memory strengths through music, pictures, and videos
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Participatory Activities For Supported Holidays For People With Learning Disabilities
Holidays need to be filled with fun activities. Some of them include:
- Making new friends
- Golf
- Video games
- Cooking competitions
- Hiking
- Riddle sessions
- Jogging
- Music
- Scuba diving
- Tennis
- Soccer
- Canoeing
- Seeing movies
Factors To Consider When Planning a Supported Holiday For People With Learning Disabilities
- What destination would you site for a holiday?
- Would the location benefit your people?
- Equipment and supports you would need during the journey.
- Resources you would need during the holiday.
- What means of transportation would be efficient?
- Would there be a need for a hand map?
- Are there convenience and emergency facilities for road trips?
- Is there a need for special seats for any supported individuals?
- If your holiday is abroad, do you and your people have a travelling passport and insurance?
- Do you need to take any medicine along?
- Is there a need for special facilities and equipment like toilets, baths, swimming pools, and wheelchairs during the holiday?
- Smart devices you would need to improve their well-being.
- Would you need more caregivers during the holiday to lessen difficulties?
- Should you invite other families with similar objectives for a joint holiday experience?
Difficulties Encountered Among People With Learning Disabilities During Holidays
Sometimes, difficulties can arise during holidays, even after thorough preparations. Lack of social skills for developing relationships, communicating with people, and maintaining friendships can be challenging. Individuals may feel uncomfortable in new environments, especially their first time. However, with time, as individuals continue to go on more holidays, they are likely to stop experiencing them. Taking them on holiday in groups can help them become more confident and catch up with new routines. It also allows them to communicate with new people, interact with their environments, and be entertained.