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We are always available for healthcare providers. We can meet your staff shortages 24/7

Luke’s Journey Towards Independence and Fulfilment

Luke, who is autistic, communicates differently and lives with multiple health challenges previously experienced inconsistent care due to frequent changes in his care providers. With the support of LD Network’s Community Transition Service (CTS), Luke has made significant progress in his well-being and personal growth. He transitioned to a new care provider who understands his unique needs and moved into his own home, embracing greater independence.

Luke and his family now enjoy an improved quality of life, looking forward to more positive outcomes and a future filled with greater fulfilment.

Luke’s Story

Luke is a dynamic young man in his early twenties. He is autistic, lives with multiple health challenges and faces difficulties in communicating his thoughts, needs and desires. In the past, Luke frequently expressed himself through behaviours of concern. Unfortunately, previous care providers lacked the specialised training and experience needed to understand and support Luke’s needs. This led to a lack of consistency in Luke’s care, further impacting his overall well-being.

The Challenge

When we first met Luke, he was being supported by another care provider. They requested our CTS due to difficulties understanding his behaviours of concern. We collaborated closely with the provider, offering effective strategies to enhance Luke’s support plan. Despite our joint efforts, the provider gave notice within a few weeks, further highlighting the challenges Luke faced with continuity of care.

Luke and his family wanted him to live close to them, away from a hospital setting. Understanding the importance of this to Luke’s well-being, we were determined to find a care provider that aligned with his specific needs. The goal was also to help Luke improve his well-being while locating a home-like environment where he could enhance his independence, feel fulfilled, and truly thrive.

The Challenge

Luke received holistic and proactive care, ensuring he felt supported at every step of the way.

An in-house multidisciplinary team, including speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) specialists, and multimedia experts, worked collaboratively to provide integrated care tailored to his needs. By conducting thorough assessments and actively listening to both Luke and his family, the team developed a personalised support plan to help him thrive.

Our support workers, carefully selected for their relevant experience and skills, built a genuine and trusting relationship with Luke. They understood that Luke communicated differently and adapted their approach to meet his needs. They utilised personalised communication methods, such as pictures and social stories, to effectively connect with him and help him feel understood and secure.

“We’ve got methods of support that we use, and we know how to calm his anxiety. We still have challenges, but this is something that the team is really achieving in the support they provide for Luke every day.” –  the CTS team, LD Network

After some time, we successfully identified a care provider capable of meeting Luke’s needs and delivering the right support. We also partnered with a local authority and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to locate a new home for Luke. Our support workers gradually bridged Luke’s transition from one care provider to another and helped facilitate his transition into his new home.

Before Luke’s big move, his support workers used social stories to communicate the transition. They showed him a step-by-step plan and maps of the route, breaking the journey into manageable parts, which eased his anxiety. Luke was embarking on a new journey, and we were committed to making his transition seamless while prioritising his well-being. 

Luke’s Positive Outcome

With the support of a dedicated team, Luke now leads a more fulfilling life filled with personal growth and independence.

Luke’s support workers formed a trusting bond with him and understood his unique needs, which was crucial in helping him smoothly transition into his own home. They also facilitated a gradual transition to a new care provider, maintaining consistency of care and ensuring Luke felt secure throughout the process.

Through strengths-based and personalised approaches, like social stories, Luke significantly improved his well-being. His behaviours of concern have decreased, and he is a happier and more confident person.

Luke is maximising his autonomy and embracing his daily routines in his new home. From managing household chores to morning walks and calming evenings in the garden, he enjoys a renewed sense of stability, with his well-being improving every day.


Four Positive Outcomes:

  • Successful transition
  • Improved well-being
  • Reduced behaviours of concern
  • Enhanced independence