We are always available for healthcare providers. We can meet your staff shortages 24/7

We are always available for healthcare providers. We can meet your staff shortages 24/7

Community Transition Services

Ensuring smooth and safe transition from hospital to community support for autistic people, people with a learning disability and mental health needs.

Ensuring a Smooth Hospital-to-Home Community Transition

LD Network ensures a safe and holistic transition from hospital to home, focusing every action and interaction on people’s unique needs and well-being.

Our priority in community transition services is to empower people to build confidence, skills, and independence to lead happy and meaningful lives at home and in the community.

We are dedicated to paving the way for healthcare providers, enabling them to continue supporting people for as long as needed.

Our goal is to prevent hospital readmission by effectively and compassionately addressing unforeseen challenges and circumstances.

By providing crisis management support across various settings, we help foster long-term solutions and prevent the need for costly and restrictive interventions.

Our Hospital-to-Community Transition

Trained by PBSuk in Positive Behavioural Support, our team uses a person-centred and proactive approach.


Led by a Behavioural Analyst, we create personalised plans within multidisciplinary teams. We start with intensive support, gradually reducing it as we ensure a stable transition to community care with effective ongoing strategies.

Step 1

Get to know the person we serve and foster connections, building a picture of their past, present, and future aspirations.

Step 2

Build a genuine relationship and discover their needs and strengths, matching them with the right team members, based on shared interests, skills, and personality.

Step 3

Form a robust support team and provide proactive support, empowering the person we serve to make their voices heard.

Step 4

Provide personalised guidance and assist in identifying suitable housing and support options. Work closely with the person, their family, and commissioners to facilitate community support effectively.

Step 5

Support people in transitioning to their new home and providing ongoing support for as long as needed.

Step 6

Collaborate with incoming care providers, maintaining a person-centred approach in matching, recruiting, and training to meet each person’s unique needs and preferences.

Step 7

Gradually transition support to incoming providers, ensuring robust support systems and prioritising well-being.

Step 8

Provide background support with a dedicated team, ready to act on call if any challenges arise, while maintaining stability and continuity as the person settles into their new lives in the community.

LD Network has developed the community transition services to support the national strategy for building the right support for people and bringing healthcare closer to home.

How We Can Help

At LD Network, we understand your urgent need for community transition support and staffing solutions. Contact us for urgent crisis support, ad hoc shift coverage, or block booking services.

Catalyst Care Group Family of Organisations

LD Network is part of the Catalyst Care Group Family of Organisations, providing comprehensive care and support services with one goal in mind – to humanise health and social care in the UK.